Agilebits Knox 2.2.0 (cracked) FULL - download
Knox uses the Mac OS X encrypted disk images feature, the technology behind FileVault, to protect your data. This means that your vaults are encrypted by Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit or 128-bit key length.
And because the encrypted disk images are supported as standard in Mac OS X, Knox vaults—including whole disks encrypted with Knox—can be opened even without Knox installed.
Knox fits to the way you work, living either on the Dock or on the menu bar. You can open, close and backup vaults directly from the always-available vaults menu. It's easy to keep the vaults you need—just the vaults you need—open, with the rest safely behind closed doors.
Finding files from your Knox vaults is easy with Spotlight, but Knox also gives you the option of enabling or disabling the indexing separately for each vault. The Spotlight index is stored on the vault itself, ensuring that the contents are searchable only when the vault is open.
Knox is a part of the daily workflow of professional organizations in over 60 countries worldwide. The uses of Knox in these organizations include:
Ensuring the confidentiality of medical records and other sensitive patient information
Securing legal documents, case files and privileged attorney-client correspondence
Encrypting company trade secrets on corporate computers and on business travelers' laptops
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